Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Countdown to Vacation

Well the countdown has begun. Only a few more days to our Florida trip. Julie started making the packing lists so we do not forget anything. The kids are getting excited as well, which is fun to see.

Work has been moving toward getting things in a good state before I go. The two networks we wanted to have in place, are pretty close to meeting that goal. We got our hardware in a day early and that really helped.

I have continued taking my mB12 (3-4 mg daily across 3-4 doses spaced 4 hours or so apart) and my energy levels are great (as measured by my ability to wake up in the morning). This morning was no different form others in that the alarm goes off, I snooze, but do not go back to sleep; I just think about my day.

I went to see Dr. M to get by blood work results. Great News! My total blood iron is down to 98! (from 179 in January and 207 last July) Woohoo! That is fantastic since high iron is so bad for your muscles (read=hard on your heart). My other blood stuff seems to be good also now so that has me happy.

I am looking into LDN (low dose Naltrexone) as a therapy I am interested in. It almost sounds too good to be true when you look at what it has done for others. I am trying to maintian a descent balance of optimism/skepticism so I am not disappointed if it does not work for me. Dr. M told me to look in to it and boy am I impressed. I may have to wait until I switch neurologists to get a prescription... but I looked online and it looks affordable. We'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow ...fantastic that things are looking up for you.

You will love Florida . Tell Julie and the children I said hello :)