Monday, July 21, 2008


Not a lot to tell today, but I don't want to get stale about posting here. We went to Silver Dollar City this weekend and my symptoms were what I would expect by the end of a long day of walking. All-in-all not too bad, but the leg definitely gets harder to use over the day.

We had a great time and although my phone got a full-immersion baptism on the Waterboggan ride, it survived the ordeal after much drying and care.

Last week we went over the results of my blood-work with Dr. Brouse. That was certainly an interesting conversation. We talked about a lot of things, but the most interesting to me was his desire for two major changes: 1) no red meat for 6 months (in his words, beef, pork, etc.) but more chicken and fish and 2) 9 hours of sleep a night. Yep, I get to go to bed at 9pm. I've started work on both and so far the red meat thing is difficult, but I'm getting by. The sleep thing though is terrible. I have not yet been to bed that early and I don't know how long it will be before that is a habit.

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