Monday, March 15, 2010

Took my shot friday

Well I did not plan well and while I wanted to take my shot early Friday morning, I ended up taking it at night and while the overnight stuff did not mess with me too much, Saturday was no fun. I felt terrible most of the day and it reminds me again how much I dislike feeling ill every week. Just as I get over a real illness, my shot kicks in and sends me right back. Granted, it only lasts 18 hours or so, but I am fast getting tired of it. I am even starting to think about getting into the oral med clinical trial. I figure there is a 2/3 chance that I will get the meds, and if I don't get the meds, at least I won't feel so bad. That decision is far off, but it is on the radar.

The MS Walk is April 24th and I'm gearing up for that. It will be fun. Come walk with me!
Heritage Hounds or David Heritage

1 comment:

Julie said...

Post a link babe to our team!