Monday, March 15, 2010

Took my shot friday

Well I did not plan well and while I wanted to take my shot early Friday morning, I ended up taking it at night and while the overnight stuff did not mess with me too much, Saturday was no fun. I felt terrible most of the day and it reminds me again how much I dislike feeling ill every week. Just as I get over a real illness, my shot kicks in and sends me right back. Granted, it only lasts 18 hours or so, but I am fast getting tired of it. I am even starting to think about getting into the oral med clinical trial. I figure there is a 2/3 chance that I will get the meds, and if I don't get the meds, at least I won't feel so bad. That decision is far off, but it is on the radar.

The MS Walk is April 24th and I'm gearing up for that. It will be fun. Come walk with me!
Heritage Hounds or David Heritage

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Off meds, slowly improving

Well a little over a week has past, now I have no more antibiotics to take (that is a good thing I think). Have been incredibly tired. Not sleepy mind you, because I slept so much during the first 5 days of felling bad, I'm all full. I just don't want to move. Getting up and walking is an undertaking at least mentally. I'm still coughing like crazy, not much is clearing but that is supposed to take another week anyway.

Julie and I went to dinner on Fri. night to celebrate our anniversary (14) even though I didn't feel well. We went to The Melting Pot (our favorite restaurant) and took a good 3 hours to eat and talk. Just love that place.

The MS walk in Tulsa is April 24th so I'm putting together my team for this year. I'll be sending out emails this week about it. Feel free to bring it up if I miss you. The more the merrier!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Yep. That is what my latest illness is. How wonderful. Yesterday left me with no improvement in any way. I napped a few times through the day and had a lot of chicken broth. Read a lot more and have no internet to speak of.

Today I went to see Dr. M (he worked me in) and found out I have pneumonia. I spent an hour or more at St. Francis to get a chest x-ray done. Walgreen's was hard to get in and out of since the street they are on is all under construction. Cox came over and we got the internet straightened out so I can at least blog and perhaps tomorrow actually get some work done from home. Supposedly these meds are going to make me feel even more fatigued so I am not looking forward to that. Oh for specifics, Levaquin 750, once daily with lunch for 7 days. Cough syrup with Codeine and Promethazine. Mucinex-D twice daily.

Anyway, Dr. M and I both are thinking that my illnesses are because the Avonex is turning down my immune system. Not a great trade-off but where I am for now. I'm going to start looking into Copaxone just because it seems like the right thing to be doing. It does not have the side-effects but is a daily injection. No decisions now, but we've got to start thinking.