On the 18th of January I was transitioned from the Phase 3 trial to the 'extension study'. What that means is that I'm no longer in a 'blind' portion of the study. Everyone who wen into the extension is now getting the 14mg dose (that is the high dose in the trial; there were placebo, 7mg, and 14mg being tested). It will be a long time before I know what group I was in, but generally speaking I got the 'reset button' on looking for side effects.
It turns out that after three weeks, I haven't noticed any changes at all. That is a great thing! First because I'm not having any side effects that I can tell. Second, that may indicate I was on the high dose even in the trial. Whatever my position in the trial though, for the next 45-50 weeks I get the real medication. The continued care is a real blessing.