The end of the year is sneaking up on me. Work is a bear to say the least as I have a project that I need to finish before year-end. I haven't felt well for the last few days. Nothing serious, just an allergy attack / minor head cold. I'm stuffed up and am generally tired.
Christmas was great. We spent Christmas Eve with my mom and Christmas Day with Julie's family. We had a fun time.
Nothing much to say on the MS front really. That is getting nicer to say more and more often. The drug trial continues, and though they said they were going to transition to an extension study, there has been no more word about it. I had blood labs a couple of weeks ago and if nothing else changes I should have another set and a visit around the end of January. I think I will also have another ultrasound about that time. My symptoms have been minor really for the most part with fatigue in my left leg the most prominent. I have have had less overall fatigue this year. The summer was not nearly as bad as last year even with the more intense heat.
Here's looking forward to next year and the study extension! Cheers!